Devlog #9 End of production sprint 2!
We are working on implementing visual feedback for the players as they activate levers or pressure plates in levels, where multiple need to be activated to open the gate/bridge. We created a snowflake mesh that is part of the gate and bridge prefabs that will light up partly when the players pull a lever/ stand on a pressure plate.
We also created a laser gun for the laser attack that we still want to implement. For that, we also added a carrying animation for the polar bear when he's holding the gun.
Apart from that, the UI is, while not quite in the game yet, coming together in form of mockups. All the buttons we need right now are made into sprites, and are now ready to be put into their according places.
This week we got a lot of good feedback from other students. The game is sometimes pretty challenging. Taking this into consideration, we decided to introduce a new gameplay element: a heart pickup. This addition allows players to regain health in certain levels. To implement this new mechanic, we designed a heart mesh.

To maintain consistency with our winter theme, we added snow to our tree.
Additionally, we made improvements to the smaller meshes by consolidating them into a single material and applying a texture map with a gradient. We also created a few puzzles with the targets and snowballs. We refined the existing levels by making adjustments to the decorations and addressing any identified issues. These tweaks contribute to an overall improved gameplay experience.

This week we also worked on the in-game UI. We added pop-ups of the button the player has to use to interact with objects in the world. This is to help the players in knowing what to do. We also reworked the respawning system to iron out the final issues that kept persisting. This should all be in the past now. Lastly, we made an audio manager. This system allows us to trigger player sounds from anywhere in the project.
And to top it all off.. we added the final boss fight!
We hope you're as excited as we are to see it all get polished in the next two weeks!
Get Arctic Dash
Arctic Dash
DAE - Digital Arts and Entertainment GameProjects | 2022-2023
Status | Released |
Authors | Neare, StefK2311, Poulies, Mondpanther, Yana B. |
Genre | Puzzle |
Tags | 3D, 3D Platformer, Action-Adventure, Animals, Casual, Isometric, Local Co-Op, Puzzle-Platformer, Unity |
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